Join Us!

We are recruiting passionated students interested to join the group and work on exciting topics related to software engineering and software composition. The following offers are related to current opening, but do not hesitate to discuss with us if you are interested to join the group and do amazing research work related to software engineering.

Open positions

Tailored software visualization.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Houari Sahraoui
Abstract Syntax Tree Merging in Git.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Benjamin Benni
Backlog Composition in an Agile Context.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser
Safe Deployment of Micro-services Using Containers.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and
A Software Factory to produce on-demand Android Applications.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Marie-Jean Meurs
Data collection to support medical staff diagnosis activity.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Marie-Jean Meurs

Offers flagged with a are coming with a secured funding. For other subjects, there is no dedicated funding, but we can provide help to apply to grants. If you are interested in a given subject, feel free to discuss with the supervisors to find the best option that might apply for your specific case.

Old offers

Déploiement à la carte de micro-services.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and
Analyse des conflits de fusion dans Git.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Benjamin Benni
Composing Code refactoring.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser and Benjamin Benni
Identifying Optimization Conflicts in LLVM.
Supervision: Sébastien Mosser, Laure Gonnord, and Matthieu Moy