In the context of a large collaborative project involving a multi-disciplinary team in computer science and medicine, we are interested in aggregating data collected by medical practitioners (e.g., writings, audio recording) and patient themselves. The idea is to help the diagnosis of mental health disorders.
From the medical staff point of view, the difficulty resides in the heterogeneous type of data collected, as well as network issues that can appear when a practitioner is interviewing a patient, requiring the definition of an offline mode and a synchronization process to reconcile data.
From the patient point of view, the idea is to defines probes that can be deployed on his/her smartphone and collect writings (text messages, social media posts) according to the level of consent expressed by the patient. As the probes will be very invasive on the patient privacy, their impact on this topic must be scientifically quantified, so that the patient can consent (or deny) to the installation of the probes the phone.