Abstract Syntax Tree Merging in Git


In classical version control systems (e.g., Git), software development can be separated using different branches. However, at some point, the source code developed inside a given branch needs to be reconciled with the one pushed by the other software developers. In a perfect world, this integration is easy, as the system will automatically merge together the source code seamlessly.

Unfortunately, the world is far from being perfect, and software developers fear the so-called merge conflict. The fact that Git works at the text level is one of the root causes of the total mess such a conflict can create in a project: the tool has no idea of the structure of the pieces of software to be merged! For example, imagine two developers, Bob and Alice. If Alice changes the contents if a method m in her branch, and Bob moves the method m to another part of the program, this is considered as a conflict in Git. But it should not be, as considering the semantics of their respective intention, we can automatically reconcile their editions, and yield an automated merged version of the source code!

In this project, we propose to leverage the Git merge algorithm to provide a tool able to merge source code at the abstract tree level. The key point is to identify how to reconcile classical conflicts (using real-world examples extracted from large scale Java projects) in a better way than the text-based algorithm.

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Sébastien Mosser
Professor, UQAM
Benjamin Benni
Postdoc, Concordia University