
Discover and explore wild islands!

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Running the game engine

Visualizing a run

Thanks to Günther Jungbluth, a visualization engine was developed using Javascript (original idea from Pascal Tung). The visualization engine is hosted on github pages: One simply upload a log file obtained from the engine (i.e., the map, the exploration log and the location of the creeks).

Using the Game Runner

Island comes with an experimental embedded language that allows developers to run explorers outside of the global game arena.

Maven Dependency

The language is provided in the island-runner artifact:


The runner dependency is hosted by the Sonatype OSS repository, like the player one. As a consequence, the same repository entry must be defined in the POM.

Starting a run

One can implement a run in a simple Java application. For example, here is how one can start the engine using the MyBot player:

import static eu.ace_design.island.runner.Runner.*;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        .exploring(new File("map.json"))
        .startingAt(1, 1, "EAST")
        .collecting(1000, "WOOD")
        .collecting(300,  "QUARTZ")
        .collecting(10,   "FLOWER")

The previous code is a classical Java application. It instantiates an explorer raid based on the class MyBot, and set some parameters:

  • the file containing the map to explore
  • the random seed generator to use
  • the initial location of the plane
  • the given deadline (action points)
  • the number of mens available in this raid
  • three contracts
  • the output directory (it must exist)

The fire method collects all the previously given information, and triggers the engine with this configuration.

Using the Game Arena

The arena allows one to run multiple players on the very same map, ensuring that all the bots share the very same exploitation condition (e.g., random seed generation for the map exploration).

Maven dependency

The game arena is provided as a maven dependency:


The arena dependency is hosted by the Sonatype OSS repository, like the player one. As a consequence, the same repository entry must be defined in the POM.

Starting a Championship

A championship is a simple Scala object, mixing two traits:

  1. The Run traits that automates the championship process
  2. A trait extending the Player one that declares the available players for this championship

Here is an example of a championship started at the University of Nice:

object Week47 extends Run with SI3 {

  override val number: String = "47"

  override val seed: Long                = Islands.s47
  override lazy val theIsland: IslandMap = Islands.week47

  override val crew: Int      = 15
  override val budget: Int    = 7000
  override val plane: Plane   = Plane(1,1,Directions.EAST)
  override val objectives: Set[(Resource, Int)] = Set((WOOD, 1000), (QUARTZ, 300), (FLOWER,10))

  override def players = all - "qad" - "qcb" - "qcc" - "qce" - "qcf"



The players line allows one to control which players will play among the declared one (one can decide to disqualify a player for external reasons).

Here is an excerpt of the definition of the SI3 trait, that model a set of player for this championship:

trait SI3 extends Teams {

  def all: Map[String, IExplorerRaid] = g1 ++ g2 ++ g3 ++ g4

  def players = all

  private lazy val g1: Map[String, IExplorerRaid] = Map(
    "qaa" -> new fr.unice.polytech.qgl.qaa.Explorer()
  // ...