
Discover and explore wild islands!

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About the project!

Island is a programming game designed as a support for Software Engineering classes at the undergraduate level.

It leverages map generation techniques to build the map of an Island. Thus, students can create their own explorer bots to discover and exploit the amazing resources available on the Island.

This game is developed at Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, and used in the Polytech’Nice Sophia curriculum. A previous version of this game was used during Spring 2014, and the current version takes into account feedback from both students and TA about the platform.

From a research point of view, it is also exploited to support the teaching of variability modelling at the graduate level.

Technical Information

Continuous integration is supported by Build is handled by Maven. The main engine is written in Scala, and tested on Java 8. Units tests are written using the Specs2 framework.

